Reading them, brought me to tears
Not to mention.. I found them in the shirt my half-brother gave to me a long time ago
So I didn't really tell anyone how I was
My mood went up and down a lot that day
Old memories..
Is it bad I wish to forget the past because I miss it and know it will never be the same?
Yet.. at other times I wish to remember, to never forget
"It's like there are two people inside of me, fighting for control of me."
So true.. three years ago and I still felt the same
"I sit in the darkness waiting for death to come and claim me. Each time I think it's about to come, something seems to save me. What do I do? I'm being pulled in two directions! Please... just let death have me. It won't matter...."
It wouldn't have made much of a difference then.. but now
I have people to hold dear
"I don't give a shit if Diana is losing faith in me. To me, she isn't someone I'm close to, I don't even consider her my mom or even as a friend. More like a stranger."
So true throughout the time we lived with each other
There is more, but it seems..
That even three years later..
Everything seems to be almost the exact same as I wrote
Minus Diana, Willie
I find that funny
Finding things like these, through my mind into an unyielding flow of the past and jitters for what is to come