Friday, October 31, 2008

Heh.. I hate you first and better

So that's what I wrote last time..

I forget so much sometimes it's annoying.

I've resumed my disappearance to the graveyard again.

I forgot how calm and peaceful everything was there..

So I've been told someone hates me, thing is.. I hated her first.

Few reasons I've been told are silly to me.

I won't disclose mine because I know it may pertain to a possible re-make of a friendship.

One I no longer want.

Yes, I know I have typos from time to time.

Please note I'm usually not focusing when I do this... and sometimes can't see.

Weird to notice but there are a lot of I's being used.

It's so odd to type so many..

Mhm, sorry. I've been in a weird mood on and off these past weeks. Unsure as to why..

The feeling to write sad/depressive poems or stories is strong.


Watch the pretty colors mixed with such happy faces.
Do you belong amongst this parade?
Watch them twirl and flutter without a sense of caring.
Do you dare to join?
Watch as they make a rainbow.
Do you desire to ruin it with your absentness of color?
Watch them settle on the ground in pairs.
Do you long to be paired off with someone special?
Yes... all you can do is watch yet never join.
Never to dare to be one of them nor try.
Forever absent from the joy.
You may crave it but you know the truth.
It was forbidden since pre-birth that you are alone.


What'cha think?

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