Monday, February 21, 2011


This cashier at Wal-Mart's has earned my respect.

Of course, as a girl I require things that tend to make the usual male being uncomfortable. You know, that whole: "If something bleeds for seven days and doesn't die.." thing? Yeah.

Anyways, think I ran into him before. I make it a point not to go to Wal-Mart a whole lot. It's usually packed and annoying when I have to drag my mother along.

I will admit, I enjoy making people squirm when I find out what freaks them out. Kind of cruel, but it's very humorous. So, when I find a person that can actually handle the feminine products/talks and not become grossed out and whatnot, they gain my respect. Especially when they can make a good conversation during/after it. Like that cashier, though the conversation was over how we're getting older (was buying a tobacco product and, as usual, was carded).

So, that's a random tidbit.


Finally got around to doing something to help get something my father's lawyer needed. Which is the pictures of the survey, whether or not the guy was on this website, and a copy of a document that was sent to the sellers.

We've got two or the three, neither of us knew today was a holiday and that the offices would be closed.

The pictures of the survey were easy, I keep them where I know they're at and will hunt them down if anyone moves them. But the second one is of the guy on the website. Googled for it, managed to find it under a website that doesn't hold misinformation very much. And turns out, he's on there. My father's cousin, whom we purchased the house off of, was indeed on the Sex Offender List for our state. (As was a different family member, my father's uncle I believe)

I mean, I knew it was there. The cousin's brother told my father about it and all. It just didn't really sink in. Of course, there were dates on the website. Apparently, he'd put up a picture not long after we'd gotten to this state. So obviously he didn't forget about it (and obviously it's kind of mandatory). But the fact is, he never said anything, himself (which I am pretty sure is required) that he was on there or anything. And we temporarily stayed at there house for a while (we didn't have energy yet). Not to mention his Risk Level is Moderate.

When we looked up my father's uncle it was.. Shoot, I can't remember the exact words but basically: N/A.

I'll have to do a bit more research for my father, he's pushing for going public on it if he must. Which means he wants to put up signs and we have to figure out if it's legal, what can the sign say, and if he can even sue us over it. All before we do anything other than give the information to the lawyer.


Honestly, I believe I was going to put something else but can't remember.

If I remember, it'll (hopefully) be in the next blog.


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