Wednesday, March 2, 2011


Not much seems to have happened.

Other than the Benz getting hit, our mailbox getting whacked, and the daily routine.

We've been trying to contact the tarot lady again but it's been different. In my opinion, it seems like she's avoiding us right now. For what reason is still unknown to us.

There are reasons why I think this woman has a knack for it. Because one day, my father dropped by there and went to ask about seeing the lady again. (He had lost her card) And he was met with the husband, who is good guy and funny. Apparently the cards showed something from my past, but neither of them knew how to bring it up with me. And now there's an option open to figure out if it really happened or if it was all just.. some cruel mistake. Part of me thinks that that may be a reason to their avoiding us. So I won't ask about it and they figure out how to explain the answer.


My father and I collided the other day. The dog had chewed on the leg of the dinner table and my mother had basically ignored it. My father spots him and ultimately goes off on him plus her. After a while, he demanded the receipt/documents for the table so he could get another part ordered. He kept talking while I was trying to explain something to him and it pissed me off. Ended up throwing the keys in a fit and disappeared as he yelled for me to get in the car and leave. So I tried looking for the documents, without any luck, before I melted down.

It's been a while since I've had one of those. I started to really considering just up and leaving. I have my savings funds and the little bit in checking that can hold me for a while. I would've stopped by my phone provider and requested a number change before long. Then take off, hopefully, towards the west. He'd expect me to go to either Illinois or New York. Due to the mass of friends in Illinois and what he last heard from an ex that I was interested in someone in New York. In a stretch, he might believe I've even gone to Nevada. In honesty, I will probably never return to that state.

The few options he could use to track me would be the vehicle and the transactions on the card. But not many and which I'd try to get rid of with time. I'd have left a simple note to request him ask about what might have in my past to the tarot lady, to not bother with trying to reach me as I've changed the number, do not look for me in the states he would probably try for, possibly give him a link to here in order to find some sort of update, and that it may be the last time we may see each other for life is never certain.

As I started to finally work it out and was willing to do it, he found me because he needed the keys I threw (we were down to one car again) and he told me to go with him plus he apologized. And so the night went.


I am dreading having to go through with any sort of college. And of all the picks, the tarot lady inquired whether or not I liked law. Which has lead to my annoying-lazy research for an online college of law since the closest college only offers to train you into an assistant to the lawyer. Which isn't what I'm looking for. Based on what the husband translated, the cards read that I'd be a lawyer. What kind? I didn't remember to ask. Though I will if we can contact her again.

It is interesting with legal dealings and all.. but it just seems a bit much for me. Basically.. I am terrified to do it. Not everything is set in stone, as they say. But I'm looking into it regardless, try it for a year or just a semester to see how it might go.. Maybe. There are no promises in this as I would prefer a Literary major of some sort, probably dealing with proof-reading a book for errors or seeing if it's good enough to publish. I should look up statistics on how many young children say they have plans to be a lawyer, president, etc., compared to those that actually go through with it.

Hmm.. I don't believe I wanted to be anything when I was younger. Never expected to need to. (See previous posts if you need explanation on that).

Well, I've stuff to do before the day is done.


[Needed to save it somewhere:

There was a time when everything was just a bedtime story. Too bad happy endings are hard to come by.]

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