Sunday, September 26, 2010

The time has come..

I think I'm ready to let him go.

Sure I'll probably shed some tears, but that will always happen.

It took forever to realize I was ready to let go of a different ex,

It's taken less time for this one, thankfully.

When my father asked how I felt about him leaving, I couldn't answer.

It's hard, which I'm sure some of you know.

But what surprised me was when my father stated that I'd just have to look for another guy, and that I never had a hard time finding a boyfriend.

He's right though. I really don't have a hard time.. For a while when I was younger, I didn't care about finding someone but I decided to give it a try.

It's been a roller coaster ever since.

Tomorrow's the day he can talk to his lawyer and finally decide (I hope).

I'm positive he'll leave. If not, I'll have to talk to my father about it.

He's done a lot, and I've grateful for it, but it's time to end this already.

I'm normally quiet and people ask me to speak up when I already think I'm talking loud enough.

Yet everything I say to him is snippy and cunt-like? I have a strong dislike for bad language and prefer to use it only when upset.

I only hope that when it ends, it isn't ending nasty like some relationships do.

Where both sides spread bad stories around about the other. I'd like to stay friends, or some-what friends.

Never had a hard time staying friends with ex's.

I also hope he eventually can find a better person suited to him.

I think I've already found one. (Yes, the "Perfect Match" guy)

I've already told him that I may try to visit him before his Spring Break trip.

He didn't mind in the least ♥♥

Whether the pace goes fast or slow, I don't mind.

I've realized, unlike most guys I date, I'm not worried about what he's doing and other paranoid girl stuff.

I've been hurt enough to be paranoid for it, but I trust him, a lot.

And I know he's truthful, we've been friends for quite a long time.

Though, I'll have to ask an old best friend what she thinks.

She hardly ever likes any of the guys I've been with, and later on I break up with them (even if we're not talking at the time)

Who knows where I'll end up? I sure don't. I enjoy going with the flow of things, not fully questioning it.

Ciao for now

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