Saturday, October 2, 2010

Even in the Midst of Battle

Endless chatter - Auto Ignore

Call me heartless all you want, but you'll grow to hate me.

Which sucks cause you'd be a really awesome friend, sometimes.

He's worse than a pregnant lady right now.

Though he is getting super close to hitting the nail on the head.

Honestly, I kind of worry for him, but I won't comfort him. He's still trying to make it work when it's over.

I think he's right that the dog doesn't like him touching me and that the dog may be in love with me.

The dog usually bites at him, playfully, whenever he does.

And the dog follows me after he loses sight of me, he was barking like mad today when I was constantly on my phone and not giving him attention.

He just needs to hate me. Everything would be easier that way.

Saying you'll wait? Not a good idea really. My life just goes wherever.

Just waiting to tell him now..

I have to figure out some way to get to visit him for New Years.

Finally want a good New Years rather than a painful one or one spent with drunks.

Maybe that's why I'm so annoyed by holidays, I've had such crappy ones recently.

More research is in order!

Always disliked the "Parent Meeting Guy" situations.

But I don't think this one will be so bad, though I really will hide in a closet.

It's big enough for me to sleep in, so if it does go bad, I have a really good place to hide in should no one come looking.

He brought up a good point, I never chase guys.

I would have gladly chased him

I guess I kind of did, in a weird way though.

December needs to hurry up!

Lately, I've been feeling like actually doing stuff.

I really hope everything works out with the house and we don't have to move again.

It's a complicated mess, one I'll have to explain to him before he comes here.

Something should happen before then that will show whether we are or aren't staying in the house.

All in all, he's becoming more pe
rfect by the day.

And I love him even more by the day.

Thoughts are still racing for now.


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