Thursday, August 7, 2008

Blah.. random

Hmm.. Not much to rant about on my mind.. Just feeling blah and tired.

Kawaii-Radio.. Thanks Dei-kun!

Yesterday really sucked..

He had to go, and we basically didn't talk the whole day.

I hate when that happens becasue then I just get really weird..

I start to get sad, worried, and just really easy to make to cry.

My heart can just hurt with sadness during all that..

Don't know what to do with myself anymore.. I get on the computer and do what I usually do.

SL, MySpace, this French game Copy gave me, maybe Naruto-Arena, LoB, this site, or others..

A certain someone wishes to kill himself.. it's sad because I really like talking to him.

He's fucking cool, though usually sad. It sucks that the girl he liked hates him basically..

Am I just a depressing person? I think I am..

I once came to the conclusion, I'm not nice to myself so when other people are mean it won't hurt.

But there's like two people that can just break me.. one is my dad. I hate that his words cut me so bad..

But I don't think he knows this, so it's good. Who knows he might have actually done it on purpose if he did.

The other is.. my sweetie. Because I just care about him that much, his words can hurt sometimes.

Is it okay to want to talking? I really do, but people just won't let me..

My sweetie just gets sad and then .. just stuff so I talk to make him happy again.

Though I still think I just make him more sad than happy..

Last night.. I don't know, I just wanted to lay down and cry so badly.

But I just felt empty and bleak.

Bah.. life is crazy, why must we go with what it gives us?

Because if we had no rules this world would go crazy?

Well.. we'll always have rules or some form of wrong && right.

I always wondered how we got to such an 'advanced' level.

I mean.. what happened to hunting for food and making our clothes from the animals?

Why is money our controling factor? Who made it? Why did everyone else listen?

This is always in my mind.. and always unanswered as to why we have changed to much.

What to do.. what to think.. I don't know.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I am sorry my words hurt you. I am sorry you fear I'll leave...

But in the end, you are stuck with me, whether you like it or not.

I love you, I am so in love with you...

Together...forever...Eternal ♥