Saturday, August 9, 2008

This part..

Guess I can't take a joke anymore..

For that I apologize.

So stop being sorry, it's not your fault.

And stop finding a reason for it to be your fault.

It's not your fault I made you cry, it's mine.

That's it.. now just accept it.

I can take blame, I don't need someone to take it for me.

I know what I've done.

Somehow.. I think this leg of the journey will be harder than the first.

I'm really tempted to ask him if I can go and crash with him.

You may be thinking: "But he's a stranger!"

So? We all start off as strangers to each other.

How else to you meet people and make friends?

Honestly.. it all depends on the vibe people send you I guess.

But yeah, don't talk to strangers thing.. doesn't make much sense to me.

So that's just me.

Plus I trust the guy, he's really cool for what he did.

And he's a fun guy to talk to.

I am just that fucking desperate to get out of here.

It will be temporary till I can get my dear sweetie.

Maybe all three of us can end up being roommates. :)

But.. I might have to switch schools or drop out.

Not sure how the schools are around there.

Well.. I feel kinda weird.

Woke up with an issue with my throat, kind of wanted to puke.

Then my eyes hurt from crying a ton.

So my head hurts too, cause it always gets a headache afterwards.

And.. my tummy is just well.. my tummy.

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