Monday, August 11, 2008


The days are getting better gradually.

School is coming soon, how it will work out.

I'm not quite sure, but it will definately be an interesting year.

For once nothing terrible has happened.

But I could be speaking too soon..

I still wonder how people set their morals.

I mean.. what defines right and wrong?

Why must things that cause pain be labeled as wrong? And vise versa for good?

Questions never cease.. even if answered.

So why are we made curious?

If not all questions can be answered..

And usually it all comes back to: Who/what made this..?

We have leaders.. and dictators, we listen to them.

So sure that they know more than we do about life.

But it's possible, that they don't.

That if we didn't have someone or something to follow..

We'd be lost, or too afraid to make a move of our own.

Some of us just don't know what to do.. if we're doing something correctly

Or doing something someone doesn't like.

Well.. these are just my theories.

But there are some people that just like to control other people.

So it works for those kind of people. :)

Ah.. well, I shall leave now.

Don't need more to read now do you?

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