Wednesday, August 6, 2008

First Blog ish a rant!

Mah.. Finally found this place again thanks to Doll-chan. I owe ya one! :D

But no.. I like places like these because it isn't that popular. Not many read.

You'll probably wonder: Why does she want to blog if no one reads?

Truth..? Just somethings I can't post for people I know to read. It might hurt them.. or that people will actually know more than I'd like.

I forget some people may actually read these, but oh well right? Can't stop them all.

Ack, so I suggest if you don't wish to hear a petty teenage girl rant and rave about her life.. I suggest you move on to the next blog.

Thank you.

So.. my life is really odd at times. I mean, I'm sure some people would like.. die to be in my shoes.

And of course, I hate it. :/

I mean.. I don't remember much of my childhood.

I do remember I've usually been the quiet kid, that most people get along with.

There's this icon I love: "Her tongue has Bite Marks From all the Things She Never Said."

That's kinda true for me.. I bite my tongue and listen to people, no matter if they did interrupt me.

Forgive and forget right? Maybe.. I know I remember a ton of stuff that I just can't let go.

And it hurts, sometimes that I can't. No matter what!

Here's the thing: I've moved around a lot. But I always made new friends.. started over.

But the reason we moved was because of my brother.. :\ Unfair completely, he'd always start trouble.

Sometimes.. I wonder if people are actually telling me the truth.

Because this one girl, she'll be my friend to me.. but then I hear that she calls me a whore

And all this other nasty stuff, when I ask her.. she completely denies it to my face.

So.. I'm paranoid of many things these days.

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