Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Till next time!

Ah.. so much

Random bits..

It was really nice to talk to one of my old friends again

It's like.. impossible to have classes with him because he's a grade lower

Anyways, not to much really happened

P.E. was interesting lol

Picture day so no dress, the topic in the randomly gathered group

[Followed my old friend cause I wanted to talk to him]

Then everyone else just joined, anyways!

Topic: What is a dominate guy in bondage called? Since a dominate girl in bondage is like called a Mistress

Well.. that's what me and my old friend were talking about

It's just so fun to mess around with people :O

I realized something..

Like a ton of people that are friends with my brother and vaguely friends with me

End up becoming my friend more, like my ex-best guy friend/ex-boyfriend

I always thought of him as my brother's friends and I had a personal rule to never date his friends

[insert long title here] told me, he was my friend.

Not my brother's

Just thought I'd share that, it just occurred to me because..

This other guy that was real good friends with my brother no longer hangs out with him because my brother acts weird and is always saying the guy should get laid

And now in P.E. whenever our classes merge, him && I are usually talking

Yes, I also realize my posts will contain more school info and less names.

I see confusion in the future!

Anyways.. I was plagued by a few old questions

About our transition from trading to using money occurred..

Doubt it will ever go away.

Oh, funny thing to me

My zero hour teacher commented on my words..

In our book we had to define them, and no one else was giving an answer

I just thought it was funny because I'm not actually that great with words

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